hi guys!!!111!!1!! welcom 2 mai profil!!!!!!! ther is noting hir so bye!!!!!!



i stoopid no skool


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what if humans lived under the sea

Posted by Placeholder456 - 1 month ago




I guess I'd be eating more fish in that scenario... also plastic.

poor fishies
poor plastic

That’s physically impossible if you’re under water too long you eventually lose all of your skin.

but what if we would adapt to water?

Then we’d all be a lot like Aqua Man just a lot uglier able to not crumble under high pressure because of a lack of bones, big black bulbous vacuous fish eyes to see in the dark.
Fins, scales or some other kind of fishy squishy membrane, maybe some luminescence. Most likely no arms or legs because they’re super inefficient at swimming. Some sort of animal defenses like sharp teeth, pincers, tentacles, ink, or neurotoxins.

We’d pretty much would want to stay in the dark because no one would want to look at all of

i still want to live under the sea
i want to see sponjeb0hb!!1!

Well just like him if you’re ever photographed or caught on video be prepared to become stalked by the masses for youtube videos, become a trophy on a hunters wall, or live in some government aquarium if you do decide become a fish cryptid if even possible.

I’m just jesting the sea is an amazing place but it’s no apartment that’s for sure.

does that mean that ill never see sponjeb0hb in real life?...

He’s a pretty funny character and a very nice guy, but the enjoyment comes from the fact that he’s a cartoon. If he were realistic he’d look far less appealing trust me.

The best parts about cartoons are that they can live way longer than any of us. They can look better than the real world , and you can go back in time and watch all their best moments. Sure you don’t have a relationship with them but at least they made you feel something like all good art does. But the artists would want you to move on and not get lost in their world. Nick the company probably wouldn’t though.

But who knows maybe ai or vr could make you meet him one day. But would you really want to live in Bikini Bottom? Spongebob is like the only nice guy there, everyone constantly is on the verge of starting a lynching or riot.

Sounds pretty similar to some real world am I right?

thanks now i have clinical depression

I was just joking about the real world lynching has been illegal like forever ago and that's why it's so funny to mention of it in general on Sponge Bob. And the police and armies are way better prepared to stop a riot more than ever with advances in non lethal defense technologies.

I can relate to your pain I felt pretty bad about the reality of the Tron series. It was this fantastical world that I've always dreamed of going to but in reality the first one was just a dark room with a bunch of actors playing make believe. There were no light cycles or recognizers just cg and one of the most back breaking editing processes in the history of film.

I'd highly suggest checking out the behind the scenes of your show and animation in general, from experience of making my own cartoons it's a rough undertaking to put yourself through, if anything watching the making of Tron made me appreciate the Tron series even more but it made me less distracted on a world that will never be making it easier to appreciate what I have here.

This world is an amazing place I'd highly suggest watching travel videos on youtube, there are all sort of alien whimsical places that don't even look real. All sorts of fascinating life forms you've never even heard of all sorts of cities that you wouldn't even believe exist.